Our Story

Thank you for visiting Sayaw, we would like to share our story with you as a brother and sister business.

Jonathan Moore

Jonathan’s journey began as an upcoming athlete hungry and passionate to become a professional footballer for his boyhood team Arsenal FC. After an unexpected return attending two years on a soccer scholarship in West Virginia State, he returned frustrated, unhappy and closed himself off from society. His homelessness came about from an unfulfilled promise by a Scholarship agency based in the UK that sent young athletes over to the United States to fulfil their football dream.

“What I experienced in America I did not want others to go through, I wanted to build a business that does not make promises, but helps people and delivers what it says on the tin”


Hannah-Ruth Moore

Hannah-Ruth’s path in sport and dance began at an early age. The athleticism and creativity she found within dance became second nature to her. This led Hannah-Ruth to pursue a professional dance career on the West End stage and then travel the world dancing. With over ten years of training and graduating from Paul McCartney’s performing arts institute, The Liverpool Institute for performing arts (LIPA), she began her career. However like many artists she faced much rejection and a career that was uncertain and unstable.

“After much perseverance and resilience I achieved my goal of touring around the world and performing in the West End for several years. I’ve seen and experienced how powerful dance and sport can be, having an instant impact on people’s lives and their mental and physical wellbeing. However I knew I wanted to make a greater impact, breaking the barriers between sport and dance. Creating employment for the struggling artists the dancers, footballers, martial artists and athletes, combined with providing programmes for people to move well and move often, Sayaw is movement for all.” 


What we do

Why we do what we do is simple. Jonathan and Hannah-Ruth’s professional careers and love for dance and martial arts, has created sound knowledge in their respected disciplines and developed their character to become positive role models in society.

They have seen the impact dance and martial arts has had working with people within their community. Their passion for working with people from all backgrounds, whilst strengthening their mental and physical wellbeing through these disciplines is their top priority.





Our story is here to inspire others, and we look forward to you joining us on our journey

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